Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Syntheist Part 2 : Consensus Reality and the Synergy of Idealism and Realism

Syntheist Part 2 : Consensus Reality and the Synergy of Idealism and Realism


Letter to the Reader

Dear Reader

                We all have a view of things that draws its root to the consensus reality that we all agree with at the end of the day. You may feel at times especially when you was young that the world around you isn’t what it appears. This means that you starting to realize that you made what you was told into the conception of “Reality”.  That means you finally realize that you confused what people painted for you as reality as reality itself. Each of us are real ideas and ideas made real and self-aware. You are first The Law of Synergy of Sides made conscious. Universal law’s crown you are. You are what you been waiting for all your life. So we may as well Fly High. Ascend my friend, Ascend!

Sincerely Yours

Kentu KemPtah


                In this blog we will go into the world consensus or as people know as “Consensus Reality”. The consensus reality(CR) plays as a universal peripheral limit. And we will see why it is so. Like all things the CR that everyone share has a root. We will go into details a little later. We will also discuss how seeing   CR as complements is more productive than seeing them as contradictions. Remember contradictions are complements that has yet to be understood. So the initial perception of complements is contradictions which is our intellectual “raw material”. This may be a simple idea but it is also a universal one. This is part two to the introduction of Syntheist and the introduction of looking at theist and atheist as complementary as oppose to contradictory. This is very important to understand so we can exceed our limits and break free from the one-sided CR that the world shares. One person at a time I guess. What re-originators are interested in as the essence is the resolution of contradiction in that understand complementary when it was thought as contradictory. Basically Realism and Idealism are more productive if they are complementary rather than contradictory. It is better to have the shield and spear working hand in hand than against each other.

Part 1 : Mathematics and the Consensus Reality (CR)

                The CR is the umbrella term of what all people’s world view has in common.  It is the root of modern human thought and its root cultural tool it uses is called mathematics. First of all, Mathematics is the science of Origin, Transparency, Order and Versatility, short form is “OTOV”. Mathematics is the most basic cultural tool because OTOV is the universal quality of all things without exception. The Origin of all things in reality is Synergy of Sides however the Modern CR’s mathematics only have one kind of Synergy of Sides called Law of Identity. 

          The CR is the sum total of OTOV we have this far. Thus it is mathematical. The modern CR is restricted by modern math and modern math is the mother tool to any advance non-re-originating/refinery culture. In my blog about “Equality” I talked about how modern math’s backbone is of one kind out of infinite unique kinds unknown to modern mathematics. Thus any field that draws on modern math also draws on its weakness and have the same limitation but with their own twist (style) to it. But at the end of the day it is still the same when we talk about the root. The root of all so called logic which is another cultural tool to verify information we see is only centered on the law of identity. 

           Modern Math is used extensively in formulating scientific laws. Inadvertently their formulation has the same flaws as Modern Math. Hence formulation of scientific laws on the part of modern science is not authentic and it is excessively limited. Notice below some math equalities and scientific equalities couched as “Scientific Law”. All of them has zero synergy values. So how can their formulation be universal if it only consider only one type of Ascending Equality out of infinite unique types. 

Part 2 : Cons and Pros of Realism and Idealism

                The two main differences that exist within any CR are Realism and Idealism. The Synergy of Realism and Idealism exist in every type of CR no matter in the past or now. Modern CR has the least synergy when it comes to the Synergy of Realism and Idealism. You can see this because Realism and Idealism are considered contradiction in CR. Remember that contradiction are complements yet to be understood.
                Realism is basically an aspect of CR that reflects the independency of reality to the mind. It views the mind to have no effect on reality and the mind is just a passive participant in reality. The reason the mind is passive in the realm of realism is because Realism is relatively separated from idealism. So the less realism is in synergy with idealism the more passive the mind is in the realm of realism.

            Idealism is basically an aspect of the CR that reflects the active aspect of the mind as it relates to reality where reality is passive in the face of the mind and mind is primary. This comes from idealism being separated from realism. However without it being seriously synergized with realism, idealism will result in the same fate as realism when realism is disconnected from idealism. For the mind to be isolated from reality but active results in the same thing as the mind being simply passive. Thus realism and idealism in their relative separation reflects the passivity of the mind. In all actuality the mind is the active side of reality, and we will go into that in a moment. Idealism without realism believe that the world is rooted in the mind. The cons of idealism is the same as the cons in realism but has a different form but the same root. Idealism like realism forgets the synergy of independence and dependence of things. That reality and mind are independent of each other and the root that both are rooted in is both and neither one of them.

Part 3 : Synergy of Realism and Idealism

                The Synergy of Realism and Idealism is universal to all CR. Since they are synergy of sides then they have synergy values. The synergy values are Realist Idealism and Idealist Realism. Realist Idealism is the synergy value of the two aspects of consensus reality that reflects that the mind is the active part of reality. In that thought can control universal if and only if it is thought that is the expression of universal law. This also reveals the synergy between control and non-control. Control (influence) cannot happen in any ole way and that is the non-control aspect of control. You hold the knife at the handle you do not handle the blade as the handle.

                We also have to understand that conscious and non-conscious are synergy of sides which means consciousness and non-consciousness (I.e. “inanimate” matter) always existed. Reality always had its conscious aspect with it in some form or another as much as reality always had its non-conscious aspect with it. The question whether either one came before the other is like asking which one came first “up” or “down”, they are inseparable. This means all things have the ability to process information and the highest processing of information is consciousness which is the crown of reality. Thought is nothing more than the aware aspect of reality. Reality thinking about itself. The expression of thought in the form of reality is called practice. The more Origin, Transparency, Order and Versatility…OTOV the mind has the more aligned it is to the processes of reality. 

            A Syntheist is both Realist and idealism at Once! At the same time they are neither meaning that their unity is not reducible to their isolation. The unity of two things always present a third thing that is different from both. Since inanimate and animate matter/energy are complementary then they came into fruition at the same time. Since being thinking object such as a human is opposite of being a non-thinking object then they are also synergy of sides and came into existence at the same time. That is why Syntheist do not believe in evolution solely but know evolution is one type of Revolution out of infinite types. There are no exceptions in the Law of Synergy of Sides except itself. *Big Smile*. Also we do not solely belief in the big bang nor creationism but both are grains within believing the Great Diversity is Eternal and Infinite. The Great Diversity isn’t the Universe. The Universe is a sub set of the Great Diversity. Since universes are finite in that since then it can be created by either big bang or by a re-originator that is far advance than anything I know of. Even if you can dwarf the root of the Great Diversity it is still the Great Diversity or “Ascending Diversity”. We do not think life is finite but always exist as long as non-life exists and vice versa. Hence evolution is puny in the face of that. Syntheist also know the test of truth is practice. That is why we promote re-origination or practical God power.


                We about to conclude this blog. I hope you enjoy it like I have. We have seen that Realism and idealism isn’t really contradictory but are actually functional when they are complementary. Syntheist is the emotional capacity of universal laws and the Synergy of Realism and Idealism. Syntheist is a belief system that is a fusion of realism and idealism, atheist and theist, working as a single unit. Just like any belief system Syntheist is a system of emotional capacity. Peace, Love and Joy!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Syntheist Part 1 : The Synergy of Atheist and Theist as One

Syntheist : The Synergy of Atheist and Theist as One

Letter to the Readers

Greeting Readers

                No one had no idea of the full capacity of a human being until I Re-Originated Mathematics. Any how we have two major beliefs. Atheist and Theist. We have the creative and non-creative aspects of ourselves. We believe in what we can create and believe in what we cannot create. Human beings are design or function as Syntheist in which it is a unity and interaction of non-creative and creative aspect. We suppose to function in a non-bias manner which allows us to open up to the great diversity. You have that power. You are the One you been waiting for all your life. So we may as well Fly High. Ascend my friend Ascend.

Sincerely Yours

Kentu KemPtah


                I know people will try put me in their little box or get irritated say what I am doing is a contradiction. However you cannot box Diversity and contradictions are only complements people do not understand yet. So people will blow my blog as mysticism, idealism, religion, pseudo-philosophy, pseudo-science, and a whole bunch of name calling as if they are in kindergarten. Yet no one will have any constructive critique when it pertain to what I am conveying. Despite my math follows not only mathematical laws known to modern math but shows that these laws are only a grain of sand to the math I created people will say stuff because their paradigm of math has been shattered. All I am doing is doing the same thing with atheist and theist, dwarfing them both by way of re-origination. And basically showing you the common root they do have. The common root they have at this moment is a one-sided conception of whatever God or Origin they believe in which makes them Siamese twins. Because they think one-sided neither side knows about universal law or they be both re-originating their own beliefs and making it infinitely greater than previously thought. They would put on the table of their beliefs the unprecedented like I did to mathematics. Neither has not done so and both consider the other as contradictory. Remember contradictions are complements or Synergy of Sides yet to be understood. Keep that definition in your head about what contradictions truly are. And taking an intellectual baseball bat and trying to destroy contradictions is like trying to cut a Hydra’s head and wondering why two grow in place where the one head use to be. Problems cannot be beaten to death but resolved. Problems are solution that are yet to be understood. If we understood the problem then we will know the solution. Thus the correction’s quality depends on the quality of understanding the problem. 
              This blog is about the synergy of atheist and theist which is called Syntheist that I defined myself. A Syntheist is neither atheist nor theist at the same time it is both. It is a contradiction to unite atheist and theist however contradictions are complements that has yet to be understood. The Atheist aspect of Syntheist is that we do not believe in the Gods defined by non-re-originators and requires proof of being a God of said subject by actually doing it by way of re-origination. Since theist and atheist are non-re-originators they seem to have a limited understanding of God. God first and foremost is an Origin thinker and Re-Originator. You can tell if your conception of origin is correct by re-origination. Re-Origination is the ability, the skill and knowledge set of taking what you claim to know/master and make it 1 to the infinite you created. The creation of an inexhaustible species of the said thing you learnt or master is re-origination. For example I re-originated the Law of Identity and created a species of Ascending Equality in which the Law of identity finds its class in. Re-Origination is the practical and knowledgeable side of thinking in terms of Synergy of Sides or “Origin”.

                Since the Atheist passively acknowledge the definition of Atheist on the strength that both atheist and theist are based on bias(one-sided-ism) then the atheist conception of non-God or “Matter” is as flawed as the conception of God. You can see it down to the math since they claim that they are base on science and the scientific method is based on the Modern math that I already dwarfed by its very root then their conception of Matter/Energy is invalid. For example most of the science uses only binary and decimal. Decimal is ideal for tally marking ten unique elements and the consideration of their infinite combinations as the unique element’s external interaction which creates the given system of study. Since science uses modern math and the bulk of it is decimal then the bulk of science is wrong since their math abhors diversity yet science claim to be studying the diversity called “Matter”. Even a grain of dust has more than just 10 unique components. So applying it to dust is like trying to fit a size two straight jacket on an elephant at best. I will be Going into that when I speak about the cons and pros of atheism.

Part 1 : Theist’s Cons and Pros

                The theist believe in God or some spirit or deity yet they ponder them independent of universal laws and re-origination. In all creation stories the God(s) or Creator(s) are said to take something and make it nothing or 1 to the infinite they created. This means what the theist describe about their Gods unknowingly is the skill and knowledge set of re-origination. However you have to truly know universal laws to do that, not no prayer, parlor trick or on special occasions such as a full moon or eclipse. *Laughing* Human beings can do one of two things in their activities no matter what. They can refine what was already given or they can dwarf what was already given. In the Modern Era and even for eons human beings refined instead of re-originating. Since they can only refine out of not knowing then the ones they know who can re-originate they called God which merely means re-originator. The cons of religion just like any “Modern” ideology or any non-re-originating ideology is that it is groundless(Not based on Synergy of Sides) and it lacks teachings on how to actually re-originate or to become God in the sense of Re-Origination. Prior to me Re-originating math, re-origination was thought to be impossible for humans to do which is a general agnostics human beings have about re-origination. Prior to me doing that re-origination is unknowable to human intelligence.

Since religion do not provide teachings of universal law because it shows in their lack of ability to re-originate then the people who use religion has to interpret their teachings in a non-universal and non-re-originating manner just like atheist must consider matter in a non-universal and non-re-originating manner. Thus rules are constructed and a whole lot of mannerism that ironically do not relate to re-originating must be produce. So out of ignorance religion became the opium and jail cell for the peoples belief, intellect and practice. Religion as a cultural system of behaviors, practices, world views, sacred texts, holy places, ethics, and societal organizations are based on no grounds because it cannot re-originate. I know the advancement of religion on a unprecedented level is consider better than no or limited advancement. That is why I keep mentioning re-origination. Besides the criterion of truth is called “practice”…actually doing.  At best religion just like atheism is remnants of ancient re-origination culture. They are merely fragments because the tell tale sign is that both lack the ability to create something unprecedented to contribute to their said claims.

                Religion re-originated simply means putting religion on the basis of universal law so that way it becomes excessively useful. The sacred text of religion should teach people about universal laws and how to re-originate. Beliefs are merely emotional capacity to whatever you claim to be universal. Thus religion re-originate should serve the emotional capacity that work synergistically with universal laws and of course re-origination. This would be the Pros in religion yet to be explored by people. However I am the first. I am not against theist I merely want them to advance on an unprecedented level. My constructive critique that I hold for theist and atheist alike is that they should base their claims on Synergy of Sides and they should re-originate if they claim to be serious. If not then I know they claim what they claim out of mere manipulation and to “fit in”.

Part 2 : Atheist Cons and Pros

                I was speaking about how atheist claim to base their belief in science, however the scientific method’s cornerstone is Modern Mathematics. Modern math as you may have seen in my works is quite limited and is clumsy when it comes to considering difference and complements as being root. The proof in that is in my older Blogs concerning equality and I will out a short list of those blogs so you can have a better understanding about what I am talking about. Modern math deals with mostly decimal and one type of Ascending Equality out of infinite unique types. This excessive limitations do not make Modern math the best candidate to explore a universe that is composed of unique things. Especially when modern math excludes quality by excluding uniqueness of things. Thus when sciences uses it , science will also have the same short comings but with its own scientific twist to it depending on what field you study in. Seeing things in terms other than their uniqueness and diversity isn’t realistic. It may be convenient and may make the intellectual ego grow but it is not realistic. For example chemistry sees all hydrogen atoms alike and modern math enables this systematic error modern chemistry has. However just like a group of people are not all alike, or a group of lions are not alike , a group of hydrogen atoms are not alike. Working with them as if they are all identical is as realistic as believing in a God that has nothing to do with re-origination. Laughing That is why a lot of stuff chemist makes have products they do not want. It is because chemist rules of engagement is more for convenience than realism. This systematic error is in every science that rely on Modern Mathematics.

The pros or the highest aspiration of a atheist should be one that thinks in terms of Universal laws and are able to re-originate. They should reject the definition of theist’s God for the fact that theist never teach re-origination thus do not know nothing about what they claim to believe. Atheist do not critique Theist because they believe in God but because they do not know nor practice re-origination (God). See here I re-define God according to knowledge and practice. I have the knowledge and practice of re-origination. So it takes one to know one eh? The only time an atheist claims that I believe in God is because they assume I define it in a non-knowable and non-practical manner. Again they just assume. Their assumptions has nothing to do with how I re-define God according to universal law and re-origination. I do not deny atheist belief but I abhor them not being on a Synergy of Sides basis and their inability to re-originate so that their claims can be way ahead of itself which without re-origination it may take millions of year. Why wait when you can do it Now? Beside you do not have millions of years only Right Now. I want advancement for atheist, not their destruction. That is why I am not really contradicting atheist, I am telling them to get their game up not by 1, or 1,000 times but infinitely up their game.

Part 3 : Introducing the Syntheist

                When I grew up I was taught to be an atheist. However I was a little different. When my parents told me there is not such thing as God I looked at it even when I was a child as a “Now Hiring God” sign. Big laughs I literally at a young age believe that if someone knows something correctly they can create it, thus a mortal can be God. I believe at a young age I can create a system in which one can learn things so correctly that they can not only create that thing but create a species that thing belong to when it was unknown what class that thing belong to. I did that with mathematics, that is why I know a mortal turned God is simply a re-originator and only grandiose to people who do not know better. Big Smile

A Syntheist is a person who not only believe in God but don’t at the same time. How is that possible? Isn't that a Contradiction. Nope a contradiction is a complement yet to be understood. I do not believe in the theist conception of God rather I believe that there exist a conception of God that is rooted in universal laws, and as a being that can re-originate. So I am not a person who believe in Jesus yet cannot do like Jesus. I believe I am the God of Math and I can do it in real time so my belief is only the emotional capacity to my intellectual and practical unprecedented prowess. My belief isn’t overbearing where intellect and practice is put in checked. I do not need to pray to no one but myself to do my math. To me the will of God is me. The will of God is your own will too. I saying that I am the God of Math do not deny anyone from being a re-originator too. But merely show you an example of someone who actually do it just to inspire you to be a re-originator too. No God want to be a lone God. The Abrahamic traditions shows this example when the bible said “Let us make man in our own image” meaning that God didn’t act alone he/she had their own community of re-originators and the God you think of is only the leader by knowledge and practice in re-origination.  So when I do a constructive critique on religion I do not assume that the religious people know what they are taking about like the atheist assumes to be. I just believe that their belief is childish on the basis of not being based on synergy of sides which in turns don’t allow them to re-originate their claim. Thus just like the Atheist they become passive containers to information despite they act like they are so sincere as if they originate their claims. Never claim something you didn’t re-originate, you don’t really want to be a pawn do you?
                Syntheist have something to offer which will make both theist and atheist offerings negligible because of their defaulting of basing their claims on synergy of sides and defaulting of re-origination. Thus their intellectual, emotional and practical productivity is hindered by being baseless. If they was based truly on foundations then they would be able to re-originate which they clearly cannot. Hence they are not base on basis at all. Their whole structure is like trying to build a house but the foundation is a single brick. That isn’t sufficient for the houses integrity hence infighting and corruption in both belief systems. Since they base their claims of being one-sided as oppose to Synergy of Sides then internally both theist and atheist are fractured into small groups that in fight with one another. Internally you have atheist that see other atheist belief as contradiction. As well as you infighting between theist also. 
                To take something I learned in this world consensus out hear and make it 1 to the infinite I created means I am independent of the world consensus. Which means I totally think for myself and down to my root I have no “herd” mentality lurking like the Borge. Big laugh So I am not a borge drone that only see truth through other clone’s citations. It also allows me to be the new care taker and originator of anything I learn and master if I choose to. Everyone else has no such options which makes me in a sense, a super human, a transhuman by knowledge and practice. I do not only believe in myself but I know and I am practical with myself. This allows me to own what I learned or master by virtue of re-origination. Something unheard of and pass human beings imagination to even entertain that idea if you have not got it from me. Yes I am the first Re-originator, the first Unprecedentalist and the First Syntheist. Since you know who I am then you know you potentially have that ability to. However it is hard to impossible to discover that without my mentorship and teachings. Big Smiles So in that sense I am you who you was waiting for all that time. We are one.


                To conclude quickly we have went through briefly the difference and similarities of Atheist and theist and we have also seen what a Syntheist is as being similar to both theist and atheist but also different down to the root. We have also seen that an atheist and theist share a common weakness. This weakness is based on not being founded on Synergy of Sides which is the most universal law and they both have no idea nor practice in re-origination. We also know that a Syntheist believes and not believe in God. That is , a Syntheist do not define God nor matter in terms of non-synergy of sides like how the theist and atheist does. Unlike the theist I do not attempt to mystify universal laws nor do I found my knowledge on Law of identity like the Atheist do. Once a atheist refers to science then they refer to modern math and modern logic then in turn that means they are ultimately referring to the law of identity which is a “minority” in the face of the Law of Synergy of Sides.

List of Post that will be Helpful in understanding this post

1 :  Ascending Equality : Introduction to Ascending Mathematics



2 :  Inter-Implications : Introduction to Ascending Mathematics
