Saturday, April 1, 2017

Supreme Saturday : How Powerful is a Re-Originator

How Powerful is a Re-Originator : Supreme Saturday

Letter to the Reader

Dear Reader

We all wish we had super powers. We wish we can fly, have super strength and be able to live forever. We do have a wild imagination don’t we? However no matter how wild the imagination is, it is just generating images and all images have roots in the real. When I see folks I see people who can intentionally generate images. With the right reflection of what is real any imagination can be generated into something real. Right thought also implies the right practice. You are what you been waiting for all your life. So you may as well fly high together. Ascend my friend, Ascend.

Sincerely yours

Kentu KemPtah


          This super Saturday in which we do a hypothetical versus mode between a hypothetical existing entity and a re-originator. The re-originator isnt hypothetical but who we put it agaist is. This blog is created to surpass the limits of non-re-originating imagination which in turn is tied to the consensus reality every individual on this planet agrees with. When you learn stuff from other people you are also learning tid bits of the consensus reality. In this blog we will put God(s) against the Re-originator and see what happens to this hypothetical versus mode.

Part 1 Consensus Reality

 To change the consensus reality one must change the mathematics that is rooted.  Mathematics is the science of Origin, Transparency, Order and Versatility, OTOV for Short. These qualities are the most universal to reality and even imagination has it. Nothing cannot be imagine or created without having OTOV. Modern Consensus Reality finds its roots in Modern Math. Whatever corresponds to our consensus reality specifically and modern math generally we will think it is real. Whatever do not correspond to our consensus reality and our modern math we usually ignore it to be a anomaly or illusion. 

   So Modern consensus reality is based on Modern mathematics. In my prior works in Ascending Math we have learned that modern math is highly limited and thus the consensus reality it unfolds to is equality limited but with its own twist to it. To successfully escape these limitations is to dwarf Modern math. This have already been done and it is the math I created called Ascending Mathematics. 

Part 1: God

                We define God, God do not define us. The various Gods we define are all acord to consensus reality or else it will be drowned by it. The Gods people believe in is what controls or/and create the universe. However our understanding of the universe and what we think it is , is a part of our consensus reality. Consensus reality is a agreement everyone has regardless of belief, knowledge or practice. It is a collective picture we paint about reality. So this means when God created the universe that means that God created that part of the universe that is corresponding to the consensus reality we already painted. Because of modern mathematics the modern consensus reality is based on less that 1% of what is actually going on in Reality. Thus the God only has less that 1% of absolute power which isn’t a power at all.

Part 2: The Re-Originator

                The re-Originator isnt confined by modern consensus reality like God is. He/She is free from the consensus world of  Here and Now! A re-originator is a person who can take what they claim to know or master and make it nothing compared to what they created. To do that is quite a power. Another name for this is retconing. Once re-originated the past of what you originated is changed, at least what we know about the history of the thing we retcon. Re-Origination is all about going back to the roots and create a specie of roots that the root will belong to. Thus we have creator’s insight or pro creationist’s insight.

                I am the first re-originator known to humanity and I re-originated mathematics. I created Ascending mathematics which makes modern math look like a grain of sand that originate on the Ascending Math’s beach. This same advantage can be found in all things without no limits. Hence being a re-originator means being unconstrained by any society's consensus reality no matter how advance or primitive society is.  

Part 3 : Who would Win!

                We know the God(s) people imagined are not re-originators but overpowered non-re-originators. The re-originator can simply learn a little bit about any God and create a knowledge that is beyond God, thus dwarfing God. Actually no God has a chance with a re-originator that already re-originate whatever little information they have on the said God. The re-originator isnt tied to the consensus reality and can use any one of the infinite aspects against the said God that only controls less than 1% of reality.


          This little blog is all about expanding the realms of imagination that is confined to the consensus reality. Liberation of the mind in that sense. I know you enjoy the blog. Very entertaining isnt it. How bout Edutainment eh? I hope you know your more powerful than your wildest imagination. You are not waiting for no one but yourself. So Ascend my friend, Ascend.